ARES Mechanical is a Mechanical CAD software combining the DWG-editing features of ARES Commander with industry-specific features for 2D Mechanical Design.
It is an intuitive, fully customizable and comprehensive CAD solution for Mechanical CAD designers and engineers.
DWG for Mechanical:
2D drawings with support for AutoCAD Mechanical entities
ARES Mechanical provides an extensive toolset to meet the needs and demands in mechanical 2D drafting combined with ARES Commander 2D/3D DWG-editing features.
ARES Mechanical is especially designed for the needs of 2D mechanical CAD users and for those who use 3D CAD occasionally. Whether you are a Factory Layout Planner making floor plans to place machines with efficiency in mind or a Maintenance Engineer making revisions to existing DWG drawings, ARES Mechanical has the right set of tools to help you get the job done. Conceptual Designers can use ARES Mechanical for creating quick sketches or technical drawings.
More generally, Designers can use ARES Mechanical to create detailed 2D mechanical drawings ready for production. ARES Mechanical meets the needs of a wide spectrum of technical drawing users.
Mechanical Standards
As a first step you should consider to select a Mechanical Standard for your project. ARES Mechanical supports international standards such as ANSI Inch, ANSI Metric, BSI, DIN, ISO and JIS. The chosen standard will activate pre-defined settings for your drawing in terms of styles, layers, frames and parts libraries.
Alternatively, ARES Mechanical is flexible enough to start a project without defining the standard. You would then make your choice from the part libraries when inserting your first components.
Companies can further define their own standards as copies and/or extensions of existing international standards.
Find the Standards dialog in the Toolbox tab of the Mechanical workspace:

Mechanical Parts

ARES Mechanical includes ready-to-use mechanical part-libraries such as: Bolts & Screws, Screw Connections, Nuts, Pins & Washers, Hole & Hole Table, Hole Callouts.
You will find these parts in the Toolbox ribbon of the Mechanical workspace. They are pre-configured and standardized based on the mechanical standard you have chosen for your project.
These smart entities will help you to speed up the design and make sure it is compliant with the chosen standard. They will also further be recognized for the creation of your BOM.
The Toolbox ribbon includes other mechanical features such as symbols for surface and welding; Balloons and Bill of Materials (BOM) and Revision Tables.
Mechanical workspace
We created a dedicated user interface optimized for Mechanical Design with quick access to all the features you need. The Mechanical ribbon highlights in the first tabs the top level features needed for a quick sketch of a new drawing.
In the Toolbox tab of this ribbon you will also find most of the mechanical features such as the part libraries, holes, screw connections, BOM, symbols and revision tables.
If you don't like ribbons, the Classic workspace is replacing the ribbon by menus and toolbars.
All the features of ARES Commander remain also available. If you are not working on a mechanical project you may simply switch to the âDrafting and Annotation workspace for 2D or to the 3D Modeling one for 3D.
Advanced users may also simply use keyboard commands with any of these workspaces.

Easy switch to the Mechanical workspace optimized for Mechanical Design

In the Mechanical workspace you will find the Toolbox tab with all the Mechanical features